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Photo of Zoflora 250ml Midnight Blooms 3 In 1purpose Disinfectant Clear

Zoflora 250ml Midnight Blooms 3 In 1purpose Disinfectant Clear

It's £4.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

* Kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including E-Coli, Salmonella, and Influenza * Fragrances last 24+ hours, leaving your home fresh * Suitable for floors, baths, tiles, taps, worktops, drains, dishcloths, toilets, potties, and hard surface pet areas * 250ml makes nearly 10L of disinfectant, offering neat and diluted options Introducing Zoflora 250ml Assortment Midnight Blooms, a 3-in-1 multipurpose concentrated disinfectant that kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including E-Coli, Salmonella, and Influenza. Utilizing patented odor elimination technology, Zoflora's fragrances are designed to last at least 24 hours, leaving your home beautifully fragrant. This versatile disinfectant can be used on floors, baths, tiles, taps, worktops, drains, dishcloths, toilets, and potties, and is safe for hard surface pet areas. Whether used neat or diluted, 250ml of Zoflora makes nearly 10L of full-strength disinfectant. Expertly crafted with premium ingredients, Zoflora brings luxurious scents to your home.Dilute and Spray It, Soak It, Wipe It, Mop It or use neat down drains and plugholes. Zoflora fills your home with a beautiful, all day fragrance and contains patented odour elimination technology, tested against many household malodours including bins, drains and pet odours. When correctly diluted, Zoflora may be used where most pets are kept. Do not allow pets to lick or walk on wet treated surfaces. Keep off until dry. Not suitable for use in vivaria or aquariums. A fragrance for every room Wherever you take the fight to dirt and germs, take Zoflora with you. It's multi-room, multi-use, and on your side. Always use Zoflora safely Do not use on polished wood. Allow a contact time of 5 minutes. Do not mix with other cleaning products. Dilute 1 part Zoflora in 40 parts water. E.g. 1 capful of Zoflora (10ml) added to 400ml of water. Do not spray directly onto or near to open flames or electronic devices. Make sure to exclude pets from the area until surfaces are completely dry. Always check the manufacturer's guidelines before using Zoflora on your bin. Remember that Zoflora maintains its germ-killing power for 2 weeks once diluted. Proudly Made in Yorkshire since 1922.

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Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Check stock status here.

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Product colour: Uncategorized (Other colours may be available please check on our retail partners website)
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Some of our retail partners offer credit and ways to split the cost over several months, as we all know £4.00 could be alot to pay out all at once. Check their payment options here

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