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Photo of Tower Smart Start Non-stick Ultra Forged Aluminium 5 Piece Pan Set Black

Tower Smart Start Non-stick Ultra Forged Aluminium 5 Piece Pan Set Black

It's £119.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

* 18cm milk pan / 20/22cm saucepan / 20/24cm fry * 4.5mm forged aluminium with embossed cast steel handle * 6-layer Aeroglide Ultra coating 15x stronger than standard non-stick * Smart Start technology activates at 150 degrees Celsius * Indicates the pan is at optimum cooking state at 200 degrees Celsius * 100 percent recyclable / Metal utensil friendly * Oven safe up to 220 degrees / Dishwasher suitable * Free from PFOA Lead and Cadmium * Inducto energy efficient bonded steel base heats up rapidly * Suitable for all hob types including induction All the pans you will need to start crafting some tasty meals. This 5 piece cookware set offers great versatility with 20cm/24cm frying pans, an 18cm milk pan and 18cm/20cm saucepans. Presenting innovative Smart Start technology, the 4.5mm forged aluminium pans let you cook like a Pro. Perfectly cook a juicy steak by watching the indicator tick in the middle of the pans. When it changes to dark red, the optimum temperature of 200C has been reached, so you can start cooking. The 6 layer non-stick Aeroglide Ultra interior coating is 15x stronger than standard non-stick coatings. It's free from PFOAs, Lead and Cadmium for healthy cooking without harmful toxins. Each pan has an Inducto Bonded Steel base, which uses unique bonded base channels for even heat distribution, preventing hotspots and uneven cooking, while the riveted steel handle provides comfort. The Aeroglide Ultra non-stick coating is abrasion resistant, so you can use metal utensils. They're suitable for all hobs, including induction, whilst the Inducto base heats up 25% faster than standard induction bases.

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Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

Stock status:
Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Check stock status here.

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Product material: Aluminium
Product colour: Black (Other colours may be available please check on our retail partners website)
Product shape: None
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Finance options:
Some of our retail partners offer credit and ways to split the cost over several months, as we all know £119.00 could be alot to pay out all at once. Check their payment options here

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