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Photo of Panda Kids Bamboo Toddler Pillow White

Panda Kids Bamboo Toddler Pillow White

It's £25.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

The Panda toddler pillow perfectly combines the comfort and support of 3rd generation memory foam with the silky smooth touch of bamboo fabric. The contour curve design in the centre of the pillow has been proven to reduce pressure on the back of your baby's head, reducing the risk of flat head syndrome. Sensitive to pressure, the pillow moulds around the head as it touches, correctly aligning the head and spine as your baby sleeps. This creates the best sleeping position for your child and returns to the pillow's original shape once pressure is removed. Bamboo is environmentally friendly, using little water to grow, and is twice as soft as cotton, with a comforting cashmere-like feel. Its breathable nature helps to regulate a stable body temperature through the night for restful sleep, and with anti-allergy and anti-bacterial properties, this pillow is suitable even for those with the most sensitive of skin, reducing the risk of skin irritation or allergies that chemically coated fabrics can provoke. Moreover, the absorbency of the fabric whisks moisture and odour from the body during the night, keeping your child dry and comfortable and comes complete with a 10 year guarantee.Machine washable.Wash the quilt before its first use.Do not dry clean.Pillows are not recommended for children under 12 months old.Please use a pillowcase made from a cloth of open construction. In any event, no plastics or rubber cover should be used.CARELESSNESS CAUSES FIREALL FILLINGS HAVE BEEN TESTED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE RELEVANT IGNITABILITY TESTFilling conforms to Furniture and Furnishing (Fire)(Safety) Regulations 1988TOGS AND WHAT TO WEARUse a room thermometer to check room temperature. Never let the baby become too hot or too cold. Our seasonal tog ratings allow you to have control over the baby’s temperature. The following table is a guide to show what tog to use at different room temperatures and what to wear. Adjust the amount of clothing according to room temperature.Room Temperature2.0 tog coverlet-20-24⁰C No additional clothing is required at this temperature.-18-20⁰C Short sleeved body suit or vest may be required.-16-18⁰C Long sleeved body suit or vest may be required.4.0 tog quilt-20-24⁰C No additional clothing is required at this temperature.-18-20⁰C No additional clothing is required at this temperature.-16-18⁰C No additional clothing is required at this temperature.

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Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

Stock status:
Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Check stock status here.

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Product chairs: 3.00
Product material: Bamboo
Product colour: White (Other colours may be available please check on our retail partners website)
Product shape: None
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Finance options:
Some of our retail partners offer credit and ways to split the cost over several months, as we all know £25.00 could be alot to pay out all at once. Check their payment options here

The price stated can change from the time we discovered and listed this product. Please click the 'Buy this item' button to check the live price on our retail partners website. Note: We are a furniture inspiration and product discovery platform, the content on this page is mainly provided by our retail partners and we may get paid a commission if you buy this item. This way we can keep discovering new stylish home products and writing helpful guides to help everyone find and shop to help make everyones house the perfect home! Thankyou and happy shopping!

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