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Photo of Tahiti Pencil Pleat Curtains Teal Teal -blue-

Tahiti Pencil Pleat Curtains Teal Teal -blue-

It's £110.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

* 1 pair - includes 2x curtain panels * Woven Leaf Pattern * Rich Colour Palette * Pencil Pleat Header * Jacquard Fabric * Lined Curtains Elevate your decor with the exquisite Tahiti Pencil Pleat Curtains. With stunning leaf woven patterns, these curtains effortlessly blend beauty and sophistication. The rich colour palette, complemented by pops of colour, adds vibrancy and depth to any room. Featuring a traditional pencil pleat header, these curtains showcase timeless elegance and attention to detail; crafted from jacquard fabric, they exude a sense of luxury. The lined curtain panels provide privacy and insulation, ensuring a comfortable and inviting atmosphere in your home. Add a touch of sophistication and style to your room setting with these fabulous woven curtains; embrace the stylish ambience and visual delight these curtains offer and experience the remarkable transformation they bring to your living space.Don't forget to complete the look with the matching cushion, adding a coordinated touch of elegance to your decor.Please note: pattern matching cannot be guaranteed across multiple pairs of curtains.The size of the curtains shown is the size of 1 panel, you will receive 2 panels of this size. Choose the width that is closest to your pole length for full look.

Delivery and returns:
Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

Stock status:
Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Dunelm. Check stock status here.

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Product chairs: 4.58
Product material: Polyester
Product colour: Blue (Other colours may be available please check on our retail partners website)
Product shape: None
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Finance options:
Some of our retail partners offer credit and ways to split the cost over several months, as we all know £110.00 could be alot to pay out all at once. Check their payment options here

The price stated can change from the time we discovered and listed this product. Please click the 'Buy this item' button to check the live price on our retail partners website. Note: We are a furniture inspiration and product discovery platform, the content on this page is mainly provided by our retail partners and we may get paid a commission if you buy this item. This way we can keep discovering new stylish home products and writing helpful guides to help everyone find and shop to help make everyones house the perfect home! Thankyou and happy shopping!

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